Improve safety and street scene on Hill Brow Road

Liss Parish Council have been working with Liss Infants and Junior School, Hampshire County Council and South Downs National Park Authority to develop a set of proposals to make improvements around the school area of Hill Brow Road.

We propose to use Section 106 Grants (“S106”) to fund these improvements. S106 is the money raised from developers contributions when new houses are built.

S106 grants can only be spent on capital projects that provide new or improved community or social infrastructure, where a new development has, at least in part, contributed to the demand for the project. S106 cannot be used for on-going running or maintenance costs (e.g. pot holes).




Where: area of Hill Brow Road around the Liss Infants and Junior School

Projects aims:

  1. Establish a safer and cleaner environment to walk or ‘Park & Stride’ to school
  2. Reduce traffic speeds and illegal parking, whilst aiding flow of traffic, around the school site
  3. Create a strong sense of place with a more sympathetic street scene and clear ‘School Zone’ identity

Proposal for Phase 1 – Autumn 2021:

  • Village Gateway to be sited so it’s visible to drivers heading into the village: Helping to create a ‘sense of place’ and allowing the school zone to be identified easily
  • Remove the centre line from the road: Reducing drivers feeling of having a ‘designated space’ in the road to drive and shown to slow traffic
  • Replace verge markers with low level bushes on both side of the highway: Helping create a better street scene whilst maintaining a parking barrier (see phase 2 below)
  • Install a new footway: Allowing safer passage on the schools one-way system
  • Consolidate “No Entry” road signs: Reducing clutter and improving street scene
  • Add Double Yellow Lines on school site (subject to the Traffic Regulation Order legal process): Preventing dangerous parking and helping traffic flow around the school

Proposal for Phase 2 – 2022:

  • Relocate the new crossing from the Andlers Wood development
  • Remove wooden posts once low level bushes are sufficient height to be an effective parking barrier, some strategic posts may still be required

Proposed Plans

We would love to hear what you think of these proposals, and any questions you may have. Please complete the short questionnaire opposite and return to Liss Parish Council by 20th May 2021 to:

Council Offices, Hill Brow Road, GU33 7LY


Scan or photograph the form and send to: 


Proposed measures to improve safety and street scene on Hill Brow Road, outside Liss Infants and Junior Schools