Parish Priorities Statement - October 2023

UPDATE (November 2023) : No comments were received on the draft response to the SDNPA during the consultation period and so the document was submitted as drafted.


Your chance to comment

The South Downs National Park Authority is undertaking a review of parts of its Local Plan.   As part of this process they have invited all Town and Parish Councils to submit a Parish Priority Statement.

The Statement is intended to help the Authority collect information about Parishes and review priorities, particularly the principal needs and prevailing views of the community. 

The Parish Council has completed the template provided by the Authority based on existing needs and priorities for the Parish. We have particularly relied on the Liss Neighbourhood Plan which was prepared in 2017 with extensive consultation with the community. Its vision and policies remain relevant and important.   We have also been able to draw on more recent consultations on recreation facilities such as the pump track and the initial consultation on the village centre project.

The Parish Council will finally approve the Statement for submission to the South Downs National Park Authority on 20 November 2023. Before then we would welcome comments from the community on the draft statement and those comments will be taken into account by the Council. Please click here for the Draft Statement.

Comments can be submitted until 13th November 2023. The easiest way to comment is by email, to the Assistant Clerk, on However, you can also write to the Council or drop in a note at The Council Room. Village Hall, Hill Brow Road, Liss, GU33 7LA.