Our pipeline of projects reflects what we’ve previously heard from the community:
- Outdoor exercise facilities for both adults and young people were identified as a gap in provision during consultation to inform the 2013 Liss Parish Plan.
- Consultation in 2016 to inform recreational provision in the village identified lack of provision for teenagers, and also opportunities for social interaction.
- Recent discussions with key stakeholders have confirmed the need to fill gaps in provision for both teenagers and adults. In particular, discussions with the Crossover, Bohunt School, family support services, the police and others have identified a need for more informal recreational facilities for young people.
- In a recent poll of local residents, an overwhelming 88% supported installation of provision of outdoor fitness equipment, with 75% of those saying they would use it.
Both Newman Collard Playing Fields Trust and LPC have put in applications to the SDNPA for this year’s allocation of CIL funding. We should hear the outcomes in October and LPC will then decide what to invest from the village’s own CIL funds to create the necessary funding packages. Projects which get the go-ahead will be the subject of more detailed consultation.
We welcome views on the Recreation Strategy as it is evolves - no deadline.