Charities Committee

Committee Members: Clive Olley (Chair), Keith Budden, Paddy Payne, Andy Smith, Robert Smith, Selina Stratford-Tuke and Clayre Williams.

To contact any of the Committee Members, please see the Councillors page.

Members of the public are welcome to attend these meetings.

Responsibilities of the Committee

Click here for Terms of Reference

The Charities Committee is responsible for ensuring that the 6 main responsibilities of the charities are met: 

1. Ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
2. Comply with the charity’s governing document and the law
3. Act in the charity’s best interests
4. Manage the charity’s resources responsibly
5. Act with reasonable care and skill
6. Ensure the charity is accountable

Any decisions made as trustee on behalf of a charity must be made in accordance with the charities’ governing documents and the Charities Act, 2011 and for the sole benefit of that charity.

Please see below for further details of the three charities for which Liss Parish Council is Sole Trustee.

Committee Meetings

27 Jan 25

14 Apr 25

14 Jul 25

13 Oct 25

24 Nov 25