Liss Parish Council Modern Slavery Statement
Liss Parish Council understands that modern slavery is real and could be happening in the local community.
Liss Parish Council is fully committed to the elimination of unlawful trafficking and exploitation of people and aims to safeguard and protect the victims.
Liss Parish Council opposes slavery and human trafficking and never knowingly conducts business with partners, contractors, supply chain or employers involved in such practice.
Any supplier wishing to conduct business with the Council must fulfil any obligations placed upon them by The Modern-Day Slavery Act, 2015.
Any organisation, corporation, company, employer, or individual who provide services to LPC who is found to knowingly undertake practices of modern-day slavery will have their contract immediately terminated.
Liss Parish Council will immediately forward any concerns or allegations made to Councillors or Staff regarding modern slavery by using the online reporting system at
Safeguarding: Reporting, Advice and Support
We are all responsible for the safety and welfare of children, young people, and adults. There are a range of agencies you can contact if you for advice and support if you suspect that a child, young person, or adult may be a victim of significant harm or abuse.
In an emergency, or if you suspect you or someone is in immediate danger, phone 999.
To report an incidence of abuse or neglect
- Hampshire Children’s Services 0300 555 1384
- (Out of hours) 0300 555 1373
- Hampshire Adult Services 0300 555 1386
- (Out of hours) 0300 555 1373
Hampshire County Council have staff available to contact regarding safeguarding concerns 24/7
Other useful numbers
- Hampshire Police (non-emergency) 101
- NSPCC 0808 800 5000
- Childline 0800 1111
- Anti-Terrorist Hotline (non-immediate threat to life) 0800 789 321
- Crimestoppers 0800 555 111
- Modern Slavery Helpline 08000 121 700