Upcoming Meetings

Planning Committee

11 Nov 24 - 19:00

Village Hall

Full Council

18 Nov 24

Liss Parish Council Meetings

Liss Parish Council meets at Full Council eleven times a year in addition to the many other Committee meetings, these help us deliver speedy and transparent decisions. Members of the public are welcome to attend Liss Parish Council and Committee meetings and make a public representation when invited to by the Chair. We ask members of the public wishing to make a public representations to let the committee chair know prior to the meeting commencing. Members of the public wishing to make a deputation on any item within the committees remit, should contact the clerk by 2pm on the day of the meeting: Contact Us - Liss Parish Council.

Please click on the committee name below to view its Terms of Reference, committee members, previous minutes and agenda for the next meeting.

An Annual Parish Meeting is held between 1st March and 1st June each year. The Annual Parish Meeting is different from the Full Council meetings in that it is a public meeting which provides an opportunity for the electors to speak on any matter of local interest as well as allowing the Parish Council to talk about what it has been doing over the last year. Members of the public are entitled to attend and participate, any registered elector may ask questions of the Council, make suggestions and comment on anything relevant to the residents of Liss. The Annual Report is presented to the meeting.  

During the  pandemic Liss Parish Council conducted committee meetings remotely and live-streamed them on YouTube. Live-streamed meetings can be accessed by following this link: YouTube.

Please note that Staffing Committee is not listed above as it meets on an ad hoc basis and excludes public attendance. It's minutes are confidential due to the nature of nature of the committee and are not shared beyond the Staff Committee.

Councillor Representation on Outside Bodies and Committees

Click here for the policy on filming, audio-recording, photographing and reporting of Council Meetings.



Full Council

Full Council is responsible for overseeing all Liss Parish Council business. A scheme of delegation is in place which a committee structure supports the work of Council.

Planning Committee

The Planning Committee meets every four weeks to scrutinise and comment on all planning applications within the Parish.

Highways Committee

The Highways Committee meets quarterly and considers and makes representations to the appropriate authority on any item relating to: roads and road safety including parking issues; pavements; passenger transport services and the local footpath network.

Finance Committee

The Liss Parish Council Finance Committee meets quarterly and oversees the financial business of the Council.

Facilities Committee

The Building and Grounds Committees have combined into this one single committee from July 2019. The Facilities Committee meets quarterly and has responsibility for all Council owned or managed assets (Liss Forest Recreation Ground, the first section of the Riverside Walk, part of the Newman Collard Park and the Mill Road Community Garden (which is under lease from EHDC).

Annual Parish Meeting

The meeting acts as an annual democratic point of communication enabling the Parish Council to explain what it has been doing over the last year and providing an opportunity for the electors to have their say on anything they consider is important to the people of the Parish.

Charities Committee

The Charities Committee has responsibility for all assets owned by the three charities (Village Hall, West Liss Recreation Ground and the allotments) for which Liss Parish Council is Sole Trustee. This covers administration and financial management.

Staff Committee

The Staff Committee considers staff matters including annual appraisals and rates of remuneration, the review of staffing requirements, recruitment and staff related policies.

Advisory Working Groups

Liss Parish Council sometimes use Working Groups to help move projects forward. Working Groups can be made up of both members of Liss Parish Council and non-members with the relevant technical knowledge required for that project.

Working Groups are not able to make decisions and may only make recommendations to Council.

Current advisory groups: None

Former Committees

Grounds Committee

The Grounds Committee and Buildings Committee combined to form the Facilities Committee, with effect from July 2019.


Liss Pavilion Development Committee

The Liss Pavilion Development Committee oversaw the redevelopment of the former Pavilion and Scout Hut at the West Liss Recreation Ground.

Following completion of the project in May 2019 the committee was dissolved and handed responsibility for the running of the new Liss Pavilion to the Facilities Committee.


Review Committee

The Review Committee is no longer in operation. A working group (consisting of at least two councillors and one officer) will consider policy reviews and make recommendations to Council for approval (Resolution 123/23 refers).

Buildings Committee

The Buildings Committee and Grounds Committee combined to form the Facilities Committee, with effect from July 2019.


Project Review Group

 The Project Review Group was disbanded in November 2022 and its duties transferred to the Finance Committee.