Speed Indicator Devices

Speeding remains a problem in residential areas of Liss and is an area of major concern to residents: 92% of respondents to the May 2021 School Zone Community Consultation thought initiatives to reduce traffic speed were Very Important or Important.

Liss Parish Council has been working with Hampshire County Council as the Highways Authority to look at options for traffic calming at speeding hot-spots in Liss. In March 2023 we resolved to use Section 106 Grants* to fund the purchase of two new SID's and install removable posts for them to be hung on.

* S106 Grants are funded by developers contributions when new houses are built.  

UPDATE (December 2023): We are currently waiting for Hampshire County Council to install the ground sockets so that the two new Speed Indicator Devices can be deployed.

Two new Speed Indicator Devices "SID" will be rolled out in 2024. These SIDs will be moved every 2-3 weeks as which will help to reduce motorist complacency.

Ground sockets for removable posts for the SIDs to be hung will be located at speeding hot-spots on:

  1. Andlers Ash Road;
  2. Hill Brow Road;
  3. Station Road;
  4. Forest Road; and
  5. Farnham Road

We  are very open to including other roads as part of a "second phase" if we achieve success with this first roll-out, additionally we are working on a with Village Centre Project which will include traffic calming initiatives so have not included them in this roll-out.

Unfortunately we are limited by road conditions to where we are legally permitted to install a SID and not every road has the required verge clearance and visibility to oncoming traffic.


A Community Consultation in the form of an online poll was held in May 2023. We asked Liss residents which design of Speed Indicator Device they thought would be most effective at reducing motorist speeds. Two clear winners emerged at the end of the consultation, these are illustrated opposite:


  1. Your Speed + Slow Down flashes up when a car goes past too fast
  2. Your Speed + Smiley/Sad Face - car speed flashes up


Liss Parish have purchased the SIDs which will be solar battery powered and have the capabilities to store data on number of cars and the speed they are travelling. 

The SID will be rolled out in 2023 so will be coming to a road near you!