Longmoor Military Byelaw Review

Aldershot & District Military Lands Byelaws 1976 govern public access to the military training land in Hampshire, Berkshire and Surrey. The Ministry of Defense ("MOD") and Defense Infrastructure Organisation ("DIO") plan to review these byelaws and create a Longmoor Military Land Byelaw, no start date has been given for this review. 


When the review is initiated a public consultation will give the community who live around Longmoor a statutory 30 days to comment on their proposal, though the MOD have indicated they may extend this to 60 days. 


Liss Parish Council held a public virtual meeting on 25th October (see below) to learn more about the review process. The DIO (South East Estate) invited Liss, Greatham and Whitehill Parish Councils to attend a meeting on 18th November 2021 to discuss the Longmoor Military Byelaws. For further information please see below.

DIO / MOD and Surrounding Parishes Meeting - November 2021

The DIO (South East Estate) invited representatives of Liss, Greatham and Whitehill Parish Councils to a meeting to discuss the Longmoor Military Byelaw Review process on 18th November 2021.


Follow these links to view the slide-show presented by the DIO / MOD and click here to view a note of the meeting written by Cllr Hargreaves, please note this meeting note reflects the views of the Liss Parish representatives only and not of anyone else present.

Military Review Group Virtual Meeting - October 2021

Given the level of public interest Liss Parish Council invited the chair of the Byelaw Review Group, Simon Brown, to hold a virtual public information event on Monday 25th October 2021.

Simon Brown discussed the military review background and what to expect from review process, as experienced by the communities surrounding the Aldershot, Farnborough, Fleet and Camberley military lands.

Follow these links to view a recording of the meeting and the slide-show that was presented at the meeting by Simon Brown.

Please note that the opinions expressed at the meeting by Simon Brown and members of the public are solely theirs, they do not reflect the opinions and beliefs of Liss Parish Council.