Budget and Precept Information
Liss Parish Council operates under annual budget which is agreed at a Full Council meeting, normally the November/December meeting, for the following financial year (1st April to 31st March).
The Precept is then the annual amount of tax charged on each residential property in town to fund the activities and services provided by the Parish Council. It is collected on behalf of the Parish Council by East Hampshire District Council as part of the Council Tax. Please note, we do not receive any of the business rates paid by shops and businesses in the parish.
The Council has set a budget to be funded by a precept of £263.6k for then Financial Year 1st April 2024 to 31st March 2025/ The charge per Band D dwelling will therefore be £98.20 compared with £95.11 in 2023/2024. This is an increase of £3.09 or 3.25% per Band D dwelling.