Mill Road Community Garden

UPDATE 2nd February 2023:  We are delighted to say that we are now able to plant the Mill Road Community Garden Fruit Orchard. Join us at the tree planting day on 14th February at 10.30am to get involved. This is really exciting as it marks the first phase in delivering the long awaited Mill Road Community Garden.


Liss Parish Council intend to create a Community Garden on the area of land between Woodbourne Close and The Oval on Mill Road and have secured a  Section 106 Grant (“S106”) to fund the project.

We received an overwhelmingly positive response to the community consultation performed in December 2019 for our proposal to create a Community Garden on Mill Road. The consultation helped identify the priorities and needs of the local community, these have directly impacted the features we propose to be incorporated into the final design.

Features to be included in the Mill Road Community Garden




üOpen greenspace – helping to maintain the natural aesthetic of the current grassy field.

 ü Pathways – enabling accessibility for all.

ü Sociable seating areas – benches in a L configuration to maximise sociability which is integral to our broader strategy of reducing isolation and loneliness in our community.

ü Trees – native trees and trees will be planted supporting East Hampshire District Council’s Tree Planting Initiative, aimed at addressing the climate emergency, help remove carbon from the atmosphere and improve biodiversity.

ü Wildflower Meadow and Planters – an area will be sown with wildflower seed and planters, created from railway sleepers, will be planted with pollinator-friendly flowers. These will not only brighten up the Community Gardens but help support pollinators and create a wildlife corridor.

ü Natural Play Features – an environmentally sympathetic but fun area for children will be created entirely from natural materials and will feature a ‘Hobbit Hole’, boulders and climbing circuit.

ü Dog walking area with dog-bag dispenser & bins – helping encourage responsible dog ownership and minimise dog mess to create a more pleasant and inclusive environment.

We are looking for residents local to the Community Garden and anyone who can offer a useful skill or perspective and who would be interested in volunteering for:

ü STAKEHOLDER GROUP: members will guide and help with the creation of the Community Garden

ü CUSTODIAN OF THE COMMUNITY GARDEN: members will help maintain and protect the community Garden in the long-term


In addition please let us know if you would like to:

ü SPONSOR A BENCH or have a MEMORIAL BENCH installed

ü ADOPT A PLANTER: decide on what to grow in it, maintain and water the planter

ü ADOPT A TREE: help to plant it, water weed and mulch it during its establishment


We would love to hear what you think of these proposals, any questions you may have and if you would like to get involved. Please complete the short questionnaire below and return to Liss Parish Council by 4th May 2021:

1). Council Offices, Hill Brow Road, GU33 7LY

2). Scan or photograph the form and send to:

  • Facebook – Liss Parish Council