Charity Trustee

Charities Working Group and working arrangements

Liss Parish Council has set up a Charities Working Group - Please click here for the Terms of Reference for the Charities Working Group. In accordance with this proposal, the Terms of Reference for Liss Parish Council committees have been updated and the Charity Working Group first met in December 2022. The draft note of the December 2022 Charity Working Group meeting can be found here.

Although day to day management of charities facilities are delegated to the Facilities Committee and preparation of the budget to the Finance Committee, the Charities Working Group sets the strategic direction in accordance with the 6 main responsibilities of the charities:

  1. Ensure the charity is carrying out its purposes for the public benefit
  2. Comply with the charity’s governing document and the law
  3. Act in the charity’s best interests
  4. Manage the charity’s resources responsibly
  5. Act with reasonable care and skill
  6. Ensure the charity is accountable 

Any decisions made as trustee on behalf of a charity must be made in accordance with the charities’ governing documents and the Charities Act, 2011 and for the sole benefit of that charity, rather than for the benefit of Liss Parish Council as a whole.