South Downs National Park Authority is the local planning authority that defines the areas planning policy, though planning and enforcement in East Hampshire has been delegated to East Hants District Council.
Hampshire County Council is the planning authority for Minerals and Waste matters and are responsible for ensuring sufficient extraction and supply of minerals up to 2020.
Planning Applications
Decisions on major planning applications are made by the South Downs National Park Authority, you can search for Planning Applications and Appeals at the South Downs National Park Website.
Planning and enforcement duties are delegated to the East Hants District Council. If you are concerned about a possible breach of planning control and want it investigated you must complete the East Hampshire District Council online Planning Enforcement Enquiry and Complaint Form and submit supporting evidence for your enquiry to
Liss Parish Council has a statutory role to comment on applications affecting our village; advising the planning authorities on their impact and helping to pass on the views of residents while taking account of local planning policies.
Liss Parish Planning Committee meets monthly and considers all planning applications within Liss. You can find meeting minutes and other items on the Planning Committee page.
Development Plan for Liss
All planning applications have to be decided on the basis of approved plans, which together are called the Development Plan. These are the ones that cover Liss: information;
Liss Village Neighbourhood Development Plan
Please click here to view the Liss Village Neighbourhood Plan. This plan was prepared for the Parish Council by a steering group and working groups drawn from Liss residents, with extensive consultation across the community. The Plan was an opportunity for the community to set out what it wants for Liss and in a referendum with a 30% turnout the community voted overwhelmingly (87.7%) in favour of the Plan and only 12.3% against. The plan was approved by the South Downs National Park Authority on 14 December 2017 and is now one of the statutory developments plans for Liss.
The Plan allocates 156 houses (including flats and bungalows) to be built on six sites spread around Liss up to 2028 with some housing permitted on smaller plots within the village. 40% of the housing will be classified as affordable housing and be lower cost than full market rate to ensure housing.
The plan will prevent development spreading into surrounding countryside and will stops the development of local green spaces by giving them the same protection as green belt land. It aims to protects and enhances biodiversity in the village where affected by development, and also sets out criteria for better design based on the Village Design Statement. The plan also sets out how community and infrastructure needs in the village can be met through a Community Infrastructure Levy on development (see below).
What else is there to help shape development within Liss?
Three key documents, prepared in conjunction with Liss Parish Council, give guidance to development within Liss:
1). The Liss Village Design Statement
Government guidance has encouraged local communities to prepare design statements. The Liss statement was prepared by local residents and gives guidance on the character and design of existing development in Liss which should be taken into account in proposals for new development. It was adopted as Supplementary Planning Document by the South Downs National Park Authority on 10th July 2014. Please click here to view the Liss Village Design Statement.
2). The Liss Landscape Character Assessment
This was prepared by local residents in accord with national guidelines, and gives guidance on the landscape characteristics of Liss parish. It was approved by the Council on 19th February 2007 and has strongly influenced the Liss Neighbourhood Development Plan. Please click here to view the Liss Landscape Character Assessment.
3). The Liss Parish Plan
The Liss Parish Plan was prepared by local residents and sets out community and infrastructure needs and what might be done to improve provision. The latest version of the plan was approved by the council in 2018. Please click here to view the Liss Parish Plan.
The Community Infrastructure Levy
From 2017 a levy has been imposed on all residential development within Liss which is collected by the South Downs National Park Authority and can be spent on community and infrastructure needs. The Park authority decides on how most of the money collected is spent, but because the village has an approved neighbourhood plan government allows the Parish Council to receive 25% of the levy to decide how it should be spent. The Parish Council agrees priorities for CIL spending via its Project Review Group.