Liss Neighbourhood Plan states that “Much of the centre is within a conservation area. It is an area well used by the local community. However, some of the more recent development within the centre is unattractive and not in keeping with the character of the village. Some of the area of Station Road is cut off by the level crossing from the main part of the centre and is rundown and in need of sympathetic redevelopment. The street scene is poor, with a clutter of posts and signs, some poor pavements and a lack of green planting. Parking for the centre is increasingly difficult with car parks close to capacity. Not all of these problems can be tackled through the development process. The Parish Council is committed to working with the community to enhance the vitality and viability of the centre”.
At Full Council in February 2021 we approved Liss Village Centre Project Consultants Brief. In addition we have adopted these principles for this project:
Deliverable: what is designed must be deliverable – while proposals can be ambitious – LPC must be confident that relevant authorities (ie Network Rail, Highways England, Hampshire County Council as Highways Authority) will agree to the schemes.
Ambitious: nothing is off the table. Partners should be ambitious for Liss, seeking to deliver the ambition for a thriving village centre contained in the Neighbourhood Development Plan and design brief, not piecemeal. This isn’t a project about highway improvement – it is about the vibrancy of the village centre (including seeking to design out opportunities for anti-social behaviour)
Owned by the community: Residents and businesses are involved and feel ownership for the proposals, key partners (Network Rail, Local Enterprise Partnership, SDNP, EHDC, Police, HCC, etc) are bought in
Value for money: any delivery partner will have a track record, and can evidence how development of a master plan has leveraged in funding for delivery of infrastructure projects; Liss Parish Council will need to be assured that it is getting value for money for residents
showing study area of Liss Village Centre Project (in red):