Formal opening of the new play area at West Liss
Published: 03 March 2023
The Chair of the South Downs National Park (SDNPA), Vanessa Rowlands, accompanied by Doug Jones, Hampshire Parishes Appointee to the SDNPA, will be in Liss on Tuesday 21st March to formally open the new play area at West Liss Recreation Ground.
We were fortunate to receive two thirds of the cost of installing the new play area following a successful application for funding from the SDNPA. Liss Parish Council is grateful to the SDNPA for this funding and for the ongoing joint
working to protect our landscapes, support the Liss community to flourish and to provide a better place to live, work and visit.
Please do join us at 2pm. We are aware that the older children will be at school but we are delighted that we will be joined by Puddleducks of Liss. All welcome.