Liss Village Centre Project: Introduction & Background

Liss Parish Council wants to see our village centre become a place that residents and visitors want to visit more often, where they choose to spend more time and easier to travel through. We will build on current and past initiatives to further the vision set out in the Liss Village Neighbourhood Plan 2011-2028 to sustainably develop Liss village into “an attractive place to live, by improving the built environment….. managing the impact of traffic and improving walking and cycling”, which Liss residents voted overwhelmingly in favour of  (87%) in a referendum held in 2017. Enhancing the village centre is a key project in our Action Plan: 2023-24, approved at the Annual Parish Meeting held on 15th May 2023.

In May 2022 we commissioned Hampshire Services (Hampshire County Council's in-house transport and planning consultancy service) to undertake to identify potential improvements to Liss village centre. Following community engagement in the summer of 2022 the project team and Liss Parish Council have come up with a series of proposals which will be outlined by following the links below.